Newsweed trades stocks to support the News

Newsweed trades stocks
Newsweed purchases

February 1, 2021

Newsweed Trades Stocks to Survive We pay our journalists for the truth and the deep dive to research.

Newsweed a small company out of Las Vegas, Nevada has adopted as a business model to trade stocks and bonds for the sole purpose of reporting the News. Mark Nejmeh owner of the small Wyomimg LLC has invested a large sum of his own money to hopefully support a staff of Journalists. The focus of the Newsweed platform in print and Digital is a pro and Con Newspaper on Culture, family, Economy and Marijuana.

Newsweed Trades Stocks to survive

Newsweed trades stocks
Newsweed purchases

Daily Trades will be disclosed on the moves or non-moves the company makes.

Newsweed Trades Stocks from research internally

Todays purchases are as follows:

1000 BNGO @$10.53

5000 SNDL @$1.13

2000 NNDM @$14.34

2 GME @ $234.00

1000 ONTX @$.65

600 TLRY @19.40

2000 OZSC @.17

1000 HEXO @ $6.27

1000 HJLI @ $9.00

We hope to grow our portfolio so we can pay our journalists.

To become a journalist please contact us by registering as a journalist and submitting your story. We require your ID and picture

Newsweed Trades Stocks because the Newspaper must be printed

BioNano Investment

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